is a private non-profit 501 c3 organization focused on providing consumers with the highest quality financial education, advise and counseling.
Serving you whenever you are. Offices in Puerto Rico and Orlando.

Budget and Credit
Teaching people how to do a sensible Spending Plan for their household is the cornerstone of our Financial Literacy program. For people with budget deficits, we discuss possible options to increase their income, reduce expenses, or restructure their unsecured debts through a Debt Management Plan.
Similarly, we share the pros and cons of credit, the components of a Credit Score, the myths and realities of Credit Repair, as well as the steps to take if you are an ID Theft victim.

We are duly certified to provide counseling to debtors who are considering filing for bankruptcy, as well as to those who already filed for bankruptcy and are in the process of obtaining their discharge from the US Bankruptcy Court.

As a HUD-certified agency, we provide counseling to clients interested in becoming First-time Homebuyers; to homeowners who are behind on their mortgage payments as a result of reasons beyond their control and who are facing imminent foreclosure on their mortgages; and to senior property owners who are considering converting part of their home equities into cash through a Reverse Mortgage loan.

Student Loans
We provide counseling to clients who are considering pursuing a college education and are interested in learning about all of their options instead of or in addition to Student Loans. We also provide counseling to clients who have already taken out Student Loans and are interested in learning about their repayment alternatives.