Online Courses - Español
CheckWise te prepara para desarrollar una relación saludable con tu institución financiera, banco o cooperativa de ahorro y crédito. Te enseña como elegir una institución financiera, utilizar sus servicios por Internet y a reconciliar una cuenta. Este es un paso importante si deseas o necesitas estabilizar tus finanzas.
Por favor, llame para inscribirse y pagar este curso.
Make Your Move - Residentes de Puerto Rico
Comprar una casa es probablemente la compra más grande y más cara que jamás harás. Educarse antes de convertirse en propietario puede ayudarle a obtener el mejor hogar para su dinero. El curso Make Your Move... A Guide to Homeownership te ayudará a entender los términos utilizados en el proceso de compra de la casa, los profesionales con los que trabajarás y los documentos que necesitarás para cerrar tu préstamo. Usted aprenderá qué esperar mientras pasa por el proceso de comprar y comprar una casa. Usted aprenderá cómo obtener el mejor trato, y cómo evitar los prestamistas depredadores. Recibirá un certificado cuando termine el curso.
Por favor, llame para inscribirse y pagar este curso.
Costo: $30.00
Consejería en Movimiento
Consejería en Movimiento es un curso que cumple con los requisitos de EOUST para Orientación Previo a la Radicación de Quiebra. Los objetivos de este curso son que usted entienda el proceso de radicación, las alternativas, las consecuencias, la importancia de realizar un presupuesto y realizar ajustes en sus gastos.
Por favor, llame para inscribirse y pagar este curso.
Costo (con informe de crédito): $45
Dinero en Movimiento
Dinero en Movimiento cumple con los requisitos de EOUST para el Curso Educativo Previo al Descargo. Se cubren los temas de: presupuesto, crédito, informes de crédito, deudas, contratos, seguros y leyes del consumidor.
Por favor, llame para inscribirse y pagar este curso.
Costo: $45
Chequeo de mi Dinero
Chequeo de mi Dinero es una herramienta le permite entender cómo están sus finanzas, cómo puede mejorar su situación y lo que puede hacer en el futuro. Sólo tiene que contestar una serie de preguntas y al finalizar se le proveerá un análisis de su situación actual y recomendaciones.
Por favor, llame para inscribirse y pagar este curso.
Online Courses - English
Start Right: Build Your Own Business
Start Right: Build Your Own Business will guide you step by step through the process of creating a viable business. Do you have an idea or a hobby that could become a great business? Do you dream of being your own boss? Starting a business is a risky, rewarding journey and hard work. By using the information in Start Right: Build Your Own Business, you will be well-prepared for the challenges and joys of starting a small business.
Please call to enroll and pay for this course.
Cost: $25
Make Your Move - Florida Residents
Make Your Move meets national homebuyer education standards and HUD guidelines. It is the ideal education program to offer first-time buyers, or anyone buying a home who wants a refresher course about the home-buying process. Make Your Move covers topics such as being financially ready to buy a house, getting pre-qualified, types of loans and insurance, building vs. buying a home, closing on your house, learning your responsibilities as a homeowner, and maintaining and repairing your home.
Please call to enroll and pay for this course.
Cost: $60
Credit When Credit is Due
Credit When Credit is Due takes an in-depth look at how to build, maintain, and re-establish credit. Research indicates that consumers who complete this course will understand how to improve their credit scores and make long-term positive changes in the way they use credit. The Credit When Credit is Due graduate packet includes cards to send the credit bureaus so your clients can add a positive statement to their credit reports.
Please call to enroll and pay for this course.
Cost: $25
Rebuilding after Bankruptcy
Rebuilding after Bankruptcy is created in response to Money in Motion clients who wanted more information about re-establishing their credit and finances after bankruptcy. This online-only program can be offered after you finish Money in Motion.
Please call to enroll and pay for this course.
Cost: $45
Money & Faith in Motion
Money & Faith in Motion combines the information from Money in Motion with a biblical perspective about finances, generosity and stewardship. The course covers budgeting, credit and credit scores, debt, contracts, insurance, consumer laws and more in a friendly, easy-to-understand manner. Money & Faith in Motion emphasizes that credit is a financial tool that can be helpful if used carefully and responsibly. Money & Faith in Motion meets EOUST requirements for Pre-discharge debtor education.
Please call to enroll and pay for this course.
Cost: $25
CheckWise will prepare you to develop a healthy relationship with a bank or credit union. The course tells how to choose a financial institution, use online banking and reconcile an account. This is an important first step if you want and need to stabilize your finances.
Please call to enroll and pay for this course.
Money in Motion
Money in Motion meets EOUST requirements for Pre-discharge Debtor Education Course. The course covers budgeting, credit and credit scores, debt, contracts, insurance, consumer laws and more in a friendly, easy-to-understand manner.
Please call to enroll and pay for this course.
Cost: $45
Counseling in Motion BK
Counseling in Motion BK meets EOUST requirements for Money in Pre filing Credit Counseling. The goals are to help you understand what bankruptcy is, what is involved in the process of filing bankruptcy, alternatives, consequences and help you develop a budget based on your new financial goals.
Please call to enroll and pay for this course.
Cost (with credit report): $45
My Money Checkup
My Money Checkup is a tool helps you to understand how your finances are doing, where you can improve, and what you can do in the future. You tell us a little about your financial situation by answering simple questions like how much you make each month, and the type of debt you have.
Please call to enroll and pay for this course.